Monday, July 5, 2010

It's Been Awhile

Hi has been awhile since I have posted...busy yes...too busy to I have been lazy...Here is a few things that have been going on here...

1. The Girls (8 hens) are doing wonderful. They are giving us 5-8 eggs a day.
2. The Farms (here at our home, in a neighborhood) is amazing. Brent has given us such a gift. Since Brent's first planting at the end of March beginning of April, he has harvested 97 lbs of produce. We have had lettuce, yellow squash, zucchini, eggplant, sweet corn, tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, green beans (purple and bush) and basil.
3. We took the basil and turned it into 12 half pints of pesto.
4. Still working with the landscaper to get our yard back after the ABC's Extreme Makeover that happened to one of our neighbors. Our yard was torn up afterward.
5. Still hanging clothes on the clothes line....loving it...
6. We still cook from processed food.
7. Brent has been making cheese: mozzarella, Gouda and cheddar right now.
8. We still are getting raw milk, every taste so good.
9. I am still reading through the Bible..I have already read the New Testament and have started over...getting ready to finish Matthew. In the Old Testament, I am in 1 Kings and Jeremiah. This has been the the best read through the Bible I have ever done.

Take Care and have a blessed week.

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